Monday, January 12, 2009

Woo Hoo!

I get excited about weird things lately. Here's one of the latest things that I am enthused about. I have been enjoying watching/listening to sermons by Mark Driscoll, a pastor of a church in Seattle called Mars Hill. Our church, Veritas, is being started through Mars Hill's Acts 29 church planting network. Pastor Driscoll has awesome sermons and I've been really learning a lot by listening to him. A few weeks ago, the Mars Hill website announced that in 2009 they were going to be doing a series on 1&2 Peter for about half the year, starting on January 11th. I love 1&2 Peter, so I was super excited that he was going to be doing this and couldn't wait to see the first installment. I watched it today and it did not disappoint. I highly recommend you watch this sermon and if you like it, you go to and check out prior sermons (if you do, write me and I can suggest some great ones to get started with).

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