On January 31 we took the kids to the snow. We found a spot just off the freeway where there was fresh snow and no other people. The boys had a blast! Lola hated it at first, but we brought our sand toys and she enjoyed shoveling snow into a bucket. It was a fun little outing.
Jeff turned 30 on January 28th. Yikes! He's old! I figured what better day to visit Jeff at work with the kids and embarrass him? Happy birthday Daddy! :)
I haven't done much with our blog in a while ... so here's me getting caught up. Back to January 5th, when my brother Adam and I celebrated our birthday. He's 26 now and I'm, *gulp*, 29! Happy birthay to us!
Welcome to the Nichols' Family website, home for all things re: Jeff, Lisa, Lincoln, Jackson and Lola. We hope that you will enjoy keeping updated on our family happenings through this blog as well as other things we are interested in. We also look forward to hearing from you!